Thursday, September 11, 2008

Inclusion in the Classroom Using Technology

I feel as if teachers should strive for inclusion with all their students, not just the ones that have special needs. Every child is different, therefore they all learn at different speeds. Using technology in the classroom could be a good way to get everyone involved and on level playing ground. 
One good way of getting kids all involved and on the same playing ground would be to get everyone on a computer at least once a day. Whether they are working on typing or playing an interactive learning game I feel like all kids would benefit from that. For those who have special needs, there are keyboards that are specially designed to help them too. 
Another good way to get everyone involved would be to watch some video, for those students who's attention span is short when it comes to regular lessons. It would grab their attention and maybe make it easier to absorb information if they have a different way of grasping the material. It might take many different methods to reach just one child and I feel as if using a movie or movie clip in a classroom will reach them differently.
Another way to use technology in the classroom to include everyone would be to play an electronic game. Maybe if kids could get hands on experience while they are learning, especially while playing a game I feel like they would learn more. Maybe an educational game made for a game boy would grab a little boys attention more than a boring old lesson. 
Even low tech technology could help kids learn material. Like for example, learning how to count using the touch method. The one where each number has these imaginary dots on it that the kid touches and learns to count with. When I was little I was taught this method and I still use it today. When I am adding numbers I will take my pencil and hit the place on the number where the dots would be. I feel like this is a good way to teach math in another way so that the kids that don't get it the first time, have another chance to get it this time.
Having computers that talk to you could also be beneficial in the classroom. Maybe an interactive program that is voice activated, or even a touch screen for a computer would give kids the hands on type of learning that they need sometimes. Especially if the child has a disability and can't talk well the touch screen would really help them out.
Having the kids who are learning their letters use magnetic tracing boards would help them practice in another way than just on paper. That activity would actually be fun for them, but at the same time they are getting the knowledge they need to learn it. This isn't a really high tech method but I feel like using technology in the classroom doesn't mean that the technology has to be flashy.
Technology of all types would help kids who learn differently than others. When putting technology in the classroom no child would fall behind because of all the neat things that you can do with it. I feel as if technology is the bright future of education, and that soon children with special needs will be able to sit right next to all the other kids in the classroom. 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Computers in the Classroom

To be an educator in the 21st century means that you have to not only teach the basic knowledge needed to pass through grades, but that you also have to teach children how to use technology to help them. An educator should always try to connect things to the children’s real life experiences because that always makes it more fun for them, and really keeps them involved. Being creative is part of a teachers job description and I feel like the internet and educational gaming software will really help them.
Computers are a great asset to the classroom. I feel like they really help connect things for kids. What they learn in the classroom can really be complimented by what they can find on the internet. Things that are going on in the news today could have some connection with something you are teaching in the classroom and I feel that it is important that the kids see and understand that connection. In one of the articles we had to read a teacher used a strike to tie into their discussion of health care and how not enough people have it. She also had the kids watch John Q. to get them making all these connections. Learning is all about connections and the stronger you make those connections the more a child will learn.
I also feel like certain programs used in a classroom can really enhance a subject and make it fun. All those educational games that they have out there could be used in the classroom once a week to make the subject fun for kids. I feel as if these games keep kids engaged in what they are doing, and at the same time they are learning valuable information.
Sources like you tube would be helpful in a classroom also. Being able to watch a clip that has something to do with the unit being studied would really draw kids in. Like for example we read about a teacher who showed a clip of open heart surgery before starting a health unit. I feel like that is a really good tool to make kids want to learn more.
Teachers have to be knowledgeable about not only content but application. They have to bring it close to home for the kids to feel some sort of benefit from it. That’s why I think that it is so important for computers to be a part of the classroom. I feel like overall it would benefit the kids in ways that normal text book reading wouldn’t do.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Introduction

Hi, my name is Kristin. I made this blog for my computer class at The University of Maine Farmington. I am a sophomore in the elementary education program. This is the first day of classes in the Fall 08 semester. I really like being outdoors and am really excited to learn how to snowboard this winter.