Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey Riley!
My name is Kristin. I want to be a teacher when I finish school. I hope to teach first grade. My favorite animal is a dolphin. What is yours? I am an only child. I like to sing and read. I hope you have a good Halloween!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Education Conference

The top 10 things that I learned about at the education conference that will be useful to me are...

1. Google Reader
  • This program allows you to search blogs and other interent sources for certain topics. Also, google reader is an RSS which means the things on it can be easily shared with other people.

2. Delicious

  • This program is a program that allows you to see all of the websites/blogs that are bookmarked by other educators. You can also choose to bookmark the websites you see to add to your list. It would be very helpful for a teacher to have every resource he/she needs right at his/hers finger tips.

3. Skype

  • This program allows someone to call someone else over the internet. This could be useful if a teacher was doing a unit on a specific profession, and they could call someone who does that job and have them talk to the kids about their job.

4. Twitter

  • This is a blogging and social networking system. This program allows you to see other peoples updates and read them as soon as they are updated. It is a good way to share the latest information on a particular topic.

5. Ning

  • Ning does something along the lines of Twitter. Only this program allows you to create your own social network. A teacher could make one for his/her class that only people in the class could access.

6. EDU Blogs

  • These are blogs that are education based. A teacher could go on and read these and gain a lot of neat information to use in their classroom.

7. Jing

  • This is a program that allows you to take a screen shot or make a film of a screen shot where you can demonstrate instructions by showing someone. The program also gives you a link so that you can send that movie demonstration to anyone anywhere.

8. Scratch

  • This is a program that allows children to create their own visual stories. These stories can also be easily shared on the web if they choose to do so.

9. Flickr

  • This is an image sharing network. A teacher can put up pictures of things going on in the classroom and only people such as parents who are in the network can see them. This is a good way to get parents involved in what is going on in the classroom.

10. Flickrstorm

  • This is a sharing network that has pictures on it with extended copyrights. The pictures on this network can be used for projects that kids due without having to worry about citing things.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My overall topic for this webquest is The Holocaust.

1. Life during the Holocaust.
  • Topic: Have students explore what life would have been like for Jewish people during the Holocaust.
  • Grade Level: 8th Grade
  • Task: Pretend you are a Jewish person during the Holocaust. What would life be like for you if you were in a concentration camp? What types of things would you be doing?
  • Roles: Jewish Boy, Jewish Girl, and Jewish Man.

2. Examine the American reaction to the Holocaust.

  • Topic: Have students examine what a typical American citizen in this time would have thought about the Holocaust.
  • Grade Level: 8th Grade
  • Task: Pretend you are an American citizen during the Holocaust. Write a letter to the president about how you think that the Americans should get involved in the issue.
  • Roles: Politician, Average working citizen, and Person of Jewish decent.

3. Examine what children did for fun when in a concentration camp.

  • Topic: Have students research and write an essay on what they would have done for fun while in a concentration camp.
  • Grade Level: 8th Grade
  • Task: Pretend you are a child in a concentration camp. What activities would you have done when not working? What did you do for fun?
  • Roles: 10 year old boy, 10 year old girl, 16 year old boy.

4. Have students think about geographical location and set up of a concentration camp.

  • Topic: Have students plan an escape from a concentration camp.
  • Grade Level: 8th Grade
  • Task: Pretend you are in a concentration camp in November. How would you escape? While explaining your escape, describe the surroundings, and the temperature of where you are. Be sure to include drawn picture of the concentration camp layout.
  • Roles: Illustrator (draws the picture), Recorder (writes down the escape plan), Head Escapee (is the head decision maker in the escape plan).