My overall topic for this webquest is The Holocaust.
1. Life during the Holocaust.
- Topic: Have students explore what life would have been like for Jewish people during the Holocaust.
- Grade Level: 8th Grade
- Task: Pretend you are a Jewish person during the Holocaust. What would life be like for you if you were in a concentration camp? What types of things would you be doing?
- Roles: Jewish Boy, Jewish Girl, and Jewish Man.
2. Examine the American reaction to the Holocaust.
- Topic: Have students examine what a typical American citizen in this time would have thought about the Holocaust.
- Grade Level: 8th Grade
- Task: Pretend you are an American citizen during the Holocaust. Write a letter to the president about how you think that the Americans should get involved in the issue.
- Roles: Politician, Average working citizen, and Person of Jewish decent.
3. Examine what children did for fun when in a concentration camp.
- Topic: Have students research and write an essay on what they would have done for fun while in a concentration camp.
- Grade Level: 8th Grade
- Task: Pretend you are a child in a concentration camp. What activities would you have done when not working? What did you do for fun?
- Roles: 10 year old boy, 10 year old girl, 16 year old boy.
4. Have students think about geographical location and set up of a concentration camp.
- Topic: Have students plan an escape from a concentration camp.
- Grade Level: 8th Grade
- Task: Pretend you are in a concentration camp in November. How would you escape? While explaining your escape, describe the surroundings, and the temperature of where you are. Be sure to include drawn picture of the concentration camp layout.
- Roles: Illustrator (draws the picture), Recorder (writes down the escape plan), Head Escapee (is the head decision maker in the escape plan).